What is Mobile Marketing?

What is Mobile Marketing?

by Andrew Ryan February 09, 2020
mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is still in its infancy. A decade ago, mobile phones were simply communication devices. We used our phones to make and receive calls. But, as technology evolved our phones have become critical business tools.

Now, our smart phones play an important role in our lives. People use their phones for everything from information consumption, to shopping, gaming, work projects, photography, recording videos and more.

Intro to mobile marketing

The emergence of the smart phone has officially and effectively changed the world. And as a medium for marketing, the benefits continue to grow.

Now, 95% of adults primarily use their smart phones to consume content and information.
(Using mobile devices rather than use desktop and laptop devices.)
And in 2015, Facebook disclosed that 76% of their entire ad revenue that year had come from mobile browsers.

For business professionals and marketers, mobile is becoming a more lucrative channel by the day. There are an unlimited number of opportunities to grow one’s business using mobile marketing.

It’s clear that mobile is here and not just to stay. Rather, it will continue to change our way of life.

Our mobile marketing services are designed to;

  • Give your business exposure and accessibility.
  • Build connections with your customers that breed loyalty and repeat business.
  • Transform your customer’s retail experience.
  • Increase website traffic.
  • Drive growth and capture a healthy ROI.

“How are we going to do that?” you might ask. Let us explain…

The Andrew Ryan Marketing Company is poised to deliver your mobile success.

We perform our campaigns through several mobile marketing channels.

We want to make our mobile services as easy to understand as possible. So, we will use those channels to form the basis of our article’s outline;

  • Responsive Mobile Website Development
  • Mobile App Marketing
    • Mobile App Development
    • In-app Marketing
  • Mobile Ads
    • Search and Display Ads
  • Location-based Advertising
  • SMS and MMS Marketing Campaigns

In 2020, to ignore mobile marketing altogether is to, effectively, throw a huge portion of your market share down the drain. Every business should be employing at least some of these mobile strategies.

It’s time to get in the mobile marketing game! And you’ve come to the right place!

Types of mobile marketing campaigns

Andrew Ryan Marketing uses a holistic approach to marketing. We know that the most effective strategy is to use all of the channels and platforms available to us.

Mobile Responsive Website Design and Development

30% of customers will leave your website if it isn’t optimized for mobile.

A responsive web design means that your website will adapt to the size of a visitor’s screen, or viewport.

It also means that you don’t have to build an entirely separate website just for your mobile visitors. You won’t have to do twice the amount of search engine optimization for a mobile site. And this will save you a lot of time, money and headache.

Do you remember years ago when you’d visit a website that looked the same on mobile as it did on desktop? One would have to zoom in to read the words or click a link. That kind of website doesn’t cater to your customers. It gives them the feeling that your business isn’t serious.

More than that, the customers will leave and take their business elsewhere. And even Google is going to heavily penalize you and your search engine rankings.

40% of mobile website visitors will leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. 

Is your website optimized for your mobile audience? If not, you’re alienating website visitors and they might’ve otherwise become your customers. That needs to change and we’re here to help!

At the Andrew Ryan Marketing Company, this will be our first order of mobile business. To stop the bleeding is an important first step. All of our marketing efforts, mobile or not, will be benefited by your responsive website.

61% of mobile searchers are more likely to contact a local business if they have a mobile-friendly site.

Benefits of having a mobile responsive website include;

  • Increased mobile website traffic
  • Decreased maintenance requirements vs building a separate website
  • Faster web page loading speeds
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Higher conversion rates

We will perform an audit of your digital assets and check their responsiveness.

If needed, we will quickly begin the web development process. It is likely that more than half of your website traffic comes through a mobile device. Your potential customers are visiting your website on their smart phones. We want to make sure they have a positive, memorable experience.

It only makes sense that having a mobile responsive layout is conducive towards happier customers, stronger metrics and higher conversion rates.

There is a huge boost, or loss, to be had based on whether or not your site is mobile friendly. Google’s search engine’s are looking for mobile friendly experiences. The algorithms that determine search engine rankings favor these responsive websites.

For these reasons, having a mobile friendly website is an absolute must for any business, period.

Mobile App Marketing

A mobile app is software that a user downloads and installs on their mobile device.

Mobile apps offer marketing solutions for business in a few different ways. These options for marketing aren’t limited to just the development of an app.

Alternatives include creating advertisements to be shown within already created apps. This can be a great way to increase brand exposure, recognition and sales.

Mobile App Development

There are many benefits of creating a mobile app for business that include;

  • Increased brand recognition and loyalty
  • Standing out from the competition
  • Offering increased value to your customers
  • Stronger customer engagement
  • Potential source of revenue

Every business struggles with exposure at some level. Creating a mobile app for your business is a great way to get noticed.

The average U.S. adult spent 3 hours, 35 minutes on their phones every day in 2018.
(And 90% of that time is spent within an app vs. 10% on the browser.)

Mobile app development gives us the inside-track to capitalizing on this fact. When one of your customers downloads and installs your app, they are investing in your business. It says a lot about your brand when they give your business permanent real estate on their smart phone screen.

And most businesses don’t have a mobile app. It definitely sets you apart and shows that you care about your customers. It shows that you are committed to offering value and that you’re a serious player in your market.

Depending on the goal of your mobile app development, it can also provide you with another source of revenue. Not only can you set a price for downloading your app but you can also offer in-app purchases.

Mobile App Objectives

So, if you’re considering developing a mobile app, your objectives can be narrowed down to one of these 4 goals;

  • Customer engagement
  • Service and support
  • Promotions
  • Online sales

Customer engagement

If your purpose is to increase customer engagement then your app may resemble a social media platform.

Sure, there are enough social media platforms but this one is special. You are creating a niche social platform where your customers can interact and engage with you and other customers.  There’s a growing market for niche hobbies and interests.

This type of app serves your customers in a personal way and keeps them engaged. You are fostering long-term growth through your relationships. You are offering immense value and your market-share will show it.

Service and support

Maybe you own a service-based business where your customers rely on your expertise. Maybe they tend to ask a lot of questions. Creating an app that supports them in this way can be incredibly valuable to them.

Maybe you own a local body shop and your app allows customers to check on the status of their vehicle. Maybe it has some advanced features that keep them updated on the progress. Or maybe it even has a real-time support feature that allows them to instantly connect with one of your employees.

With this type of app, their customer information would be readily available. Your employee would be equipped to respond to your customer’s needs. How do you think that would make your customer feel?

A service and support style app would make it easy for your customer to be your customer. That can go a long way towards retaining your customer base and increasing the dollar-amount of their orders.


A promotional based app can be an exciting marketing channel for your business that provides instant results.

You are posting your event details directly into your customer’s pocket or pocketbook. This way, you can be absolutely sure that you’re not wasting your money on promotional materials like flyers and brochures. They tend to end up in the trash more often than not. And when the notification comes through on their device, you know you’re getting eyeballs on the promotion.

The open-rate of mobile marketing messages is nearly 90%!

Customers who like your business will love your app. That’s especially true when you’re sending them incredible promotional offers that nobody else can get! It makes them feel special and it should.

Online sales

Mobile apps make purchases easier for your customer to complete. That fact is worth its weight in gold. Here’s an interesting stat to back it up;

According to research carried out by Criteo, users view 4.2x more products per session in mobile apps than they do when using mobile websites.

The way apps work as a native application on a user’s phone, makes their use feel seamless. And a well-made app will always be leading your customer deeper into the sales funnel.

Mobile app processes are actually much quicker than one would experience through a browser. This makes the entire purchasing experience more conducive towards sales.

40% of ecommerce sales during the 2018 holiday season came from a smart phone. 

Having the ability to send push notifications to customers with new offers can be enticing for your shoppers. This is another great reason to consider investing in a sales-focused mobile app.

Some businesses will serve their customers best with a service and support related app. Other businesses may have the most to offer with a promotional-based app.

Figuring out which kind of mobile app is best for you is what we’re here for.

In-App Mobile Marketing

In-App Mobile Marketing is the process of advertising within your mobile application.

There are many options available to in-app marketers. Depending on our goals, our strategy will likely fall into one of these categories;

  • Building interest in products available for purchase within your app’s store
  • Encouraging engagement to increase social media shares of your app
  • Educating app users of new or unused features within the app
  • Fostering interest in loyalty programs
  • Promoting special events

In-app marketing can be an incredibly effective strategy for your business. Whether it’s for promoting customer engagement, driving sales or customer retention, in-app marketing can deliver.

And considering that 90% of mobile screen-time usage is from within an app, the odds are in your favor.

Mobile Advertising

There is a lot to be said for being able to send your ads straight to your customers’ fingertips. And mobile ad spending continues to dominate the market.The market is still untapped and the ease of use makes for conversion rates that dwarf those of laptop and desktop PCs.

The click-through rate (CTR) of search ads on smart phones was 38% higher than the CTR of desktop ads.

There are a lot of great reasons to advertise on mobile that can be summed up in a few categories;

  • Cost
  • Accessibility
  • Speed


Our CPC, or cost per click, on mobile is much lower than traditional search and display advertising. The reason is because the mobile advertising market is still relatively fresh.

Your competitors are yet to get in on the action. This makes for a great opportunity for your business to get ahead of the game. As more and more businesses begin mobile advertising, costs are sure to go up.


The ability to send advertisements directly into the hands of your customers is changing the game.

Approximately 70% of Americans own a smart phone – and that number is rising more and more each year.

Each individual smart phone has its own ID number. Because of that, we can tailor-fit our advertisements to be super-personal.

What’s more is that mobile ad campaigns give us the ability to use location-based targeting. More on that below.


Mobile marketing isn’t quite as passive of a strategy as other methods. It doesn’t sit around waiting for the customer to come to the ad. Rather, with mobile marketing we bring the ad directly to the customer.

Think about it. Emails get sent to an inbox and then we wait for a customer to log in. Search based ads well, they need someone to begin a search. Billboards basically require drivers to pass by. Television ads always need someone to be watching the tube.

Not for mobile. With mobile marketing we’re taking our message to the customer. Everything happens faster with mobile.

Location Based Mobile Ads

Location based mobile advertising is the process of marketing to customers based on their location in real-time. It allows us to target customers and do so with an acutely personal message based on their surroundings.

In 2020, great marketing is about targeted, personalized, relevant, data-driven messages.

Location based marketing is the pinnacle of these factors and they’re all combined into one campaign. Creative marketers are having a field-day and the success rate of these campaigns is very high.

Location-based marketing spending was expected to hit nearly $15 Billion by 2018.

This newly emerging marketing tactic is quickly changing the landscape. The ability to target customers with messages based on their location is next-level stuff! And it opens the doorway to infinite creative possibilities. Essentially, the only limiting factor is the extent of one’s creative ability!

Here’s what location-based mobile marketing looks like;

For example;
Let’s say you’re a car dealer using location-based ad services. You begin what’s known as “geofencing” your competitor’s locations. And when one of your customers enters your competitor’s dealership, your campaign automatically sends that customer a message.
It’s a great way for the car dealer to increase customer retention, improve brand recognition, drive sales and more!

What is geofencing?

Geofencing is the act of setting a location-based alert that triggers an action when a customer enters a predetermined location.

Essentially, it’s like setting up a digital fence at any location. And when a customer crosses that imaginary boundary, it triggers a predetermined action. Typically, this action would be to send a targeted message to this person. The message being sent is tailored to support your mobile marketing campaign’s objectives.

All of this is made possible by the use of GPS coupled with cookies which track website visitors and stores their personal data. The customer must have granted the permission to store and use their data before-hand, to make this possible.

Businesses that use location based mobile marketing strategies effectively stand to gain huge portions of market share. Your competitors aren’t using this marketing channel yet. So the sooner you begin your campaign, the harder it will be for your competitors to catch up!

SMS and MMS Marketing

SMS and MMS marketing is the act of using text-messages as a platform. This is otherwise known as text-message marketing.

SMS stands for short message service.
SMS is simply a text-only message. And there only enough room for 160 characters of text.

MMS stands for multimedia message service.
MMS allows the send to embed text, images, gifs, and video.

Being able to directly text a customer and do so as a business, is an incredibly powerful thing. And as professionals, we continue to see incredible results from text message marketing.

As a marketing channel, SMS outperforms one of digital marketing’s top performers; email marketing.

The open rate of SMS is 98% compared to 22% for emails.

There’s a lot to be said for beginning a text message marketing process. The open rate of a text-message is so high that essentially, there’s little to no waste in your efforts.

Text message marketing gives us the ability to target our messages in a way that feels very personal. So, building a strong connection with your customers comes naturally through this channel.

Mobile Marketing in Conclusion;

When it comes to targeted and personal messaging, mobile marketing is the holy-grail. It gives us the inside track on building long-term relationships.

Search and display ads are more like casting a wide net, and with the intent on capturing interest. But mobile marketing is essentially a pro-active approach. It empowers a business to drive their message directly where it needs to go; straight into the customer’s hands.

Which mobile marketing strategy will work best for your business?

Not every business needs every channel all of the time. The Andrew Ryan Marketing Company is here to trim the excess and keep your campaign lean and mean. We make sure our campaigns are cost-effective and efficient.

Give us a call today and fill out the form below so we can outline the perfect strategy for your business. The best part is, our marketing Blueprint is free! You have nothing to lose and literally everything to gain.

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